Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Creation of a Podcast and Change

I've been learning how to create a podcast in Audacity. Along with that, I've been learning how to incorporate sound/music, in order that a podcast could be a type of "radio show" if you chose.

The technical side of podcasting is a little confusing. I've been working with PodOmatic and FeedBurner. I needed to use FeedBurner as Blogger has a different RSS feed type than most of the blogging software out there.

My hope is to have teachers learn how to podcast, feel comfortable in uploading their own podcasts, and understand the process involved in subscribing to one. Once I get comfortable in the technical side, I plan to create user-friendly tutorials.

Click on the link below to hear my first podcast on "Change". Once you get to the site, you will need to scroll down until you get to "The age of our students...". Click on these words.

Click Here to Listen to a Podcast on Change

Monday, May 22, 2006

55 Fiction

The Humanities department held a 55 Fiction contest this spring for both faculty & Staff, as well as students. 55 fiction is the ability to create a story in 55 words or less. Below is a video player in which you can listen to the authors recite their winning entries. Click on the "Play Music" button (Looks like a blue-green circle with an arrow thru it) and choose "Play Music"; Click on any selection to hear and enjoy!

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