Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Splashin' Around with Math

I've been experimenting with video podcasts and splashcast. One of our math instructors, Judy Elder, was eager to try her hand at a podcast for one of her online courses. This is our first "trial" upload with a (hopefully) nifty Splashcast player.

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Blogger Marshall Kirkpatrick said...

Hey hey, it looks pretty good! Hope it was easy to use - we at SplashCast appreciate your checking it out. So the next step is that if you keep publishing more shows in the same channel, you'll want to set the player (on the players tab) to stick to the particular show that the blog post is about. That way all the shows will be available in one channel, but the connection between a particular show and its blog post aren't broken.

Does that make sense? It's easier done than written about, but feel free to get in touch if I can be of any help with that or anything else. Feedback, questions - shoot me an email.

Marshall Kirkpatrick
Director of Content

5:37 PM  

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